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royal blue 品藍,紅光藍。

royal botanic gardens

There is something classically theatrical , something archaic about the subtle materials and colors used , evocative of mythic encounters , ages long gone by . here and there , flashes of royal blue and a sudden blaze of plebeian earthen tones appear , embedded in noble metal or in plain , untreated wood and stone . whether sculpture or hand - made paper compositions , the works of karla gaenssler cannot in any sense be considered simply decorative 因之我極端喜歡karlagaenssler的雕塑和繪畫,是她的作品有渾然的巖石的質感,無論她使用的材料是巖石、木材、金屬或一方白紙,我們都可以看到屬于大自然的構成肌理,同時感覺到屬于人性迸發著的意志力量,以及令你會心的喁喁私語。

On the morning of the second day of the retreat , master came to the forest hall wearing a traditional african dress with royal blue and white stripes and gold colors interlaced with the blue 以微笑融化冰霜第二天早晨,師父穿著寶藍為主及有白色金黃色與藍色長條相間鑲邊的傳統非洲裙裝出現。

A truly magical evening began when master arrived at the main meditation hall , once again wearing traditional african attire , this time in bright royal blue with a matching mid - sleeve jacket 當晚師父又來到打坐大殿,這次也是穿著美麗的寶藍色傳統非洲服裝,搭配中袖外套。

Manuel neuer is the undisputed number one for the “ royal blues “ . the first time he took frank rost ' s place in goal was on matchday 2 in schalke ' s 1 - 0 away win in aachen 諾伊爾已經是藍軍中無可爭辯的第一門將。第一次取代羅斯特遠在1 : 0戰勝亞琛的比賽中。

Borussia did not spare the royal blues in their celebrations and schalke ' s gerald asamoah has promised to make amends for one of the bleakest hours in club history 多特蒙德在慶祝時不在乎沙爾克。阿薩莫阿發誓要為俱樂部歷史最悲慘的幾個小時作出補救。

A red print halter top dress with low - cut back or a silky , royal blue - and - purple , above - the - knee sheath dress are party - perfect options 紅色印花外套,配上低胸絲質的皇家藍紫過膝中裙絕對是你參加時尚派對的完美著裝。

Royal blues have one normal green gene and one mutated steel blue gene which combine to produce an intermediate blue color 皇家藍斗魚有著正常綠色的基因及突變的鐵藍色基因,當這兩種基因組合在一起便產生中和的藍色。

They are available in eight colors : light purple , white , red , yellow , green , royal blue , navy blue , and beige 有淺紫白紅黃綠寶藍藏青米白八種色系,多彩繽紛,賞心悅目。

Royal blue 皇室 藍 : deep dark grain - flower - blue without other colour portions . the ventrals may have white or black peaks 皇室藍:魚身深藍無雜色。有時腹鰭尖端有白或黑斑。

Though there are spells of tears . they taste of . royal blue dewdrops 即使。有掉淚的時候。也是。藍色露珠的。味道。

It ranges from a rich , full royal blue to a deep cornflower blue 其顏色范圍從豐富的皇家藍到深矢車菊的藍。

Ultralite royal blue high polish chrome 超輕品藍拋光鉻

Manuel neuer is the undisputed number one for the “ royal blues “ 諾伊爾已經是藍軍中無可爭辯的第一門將。